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  • There is a one time registration fee of $35 per student or $45 per family

  • 5% sibling discount off the sibling with lesser tuition

  • Low-income discount available upon inquiry​

  • Payments are due by the 10th of each month

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We believe in providing the best possible experience for those willing to join the fun, work hard and become their personal best- whatever that may look like.


At TDL our tuition is based on the hours per week a dancer is in the studio, however the tuition we ask is based on the value we believe we offer in dance education, experience and life skills.


Recreational Students:

Tuition is due at the 1st of each month. For enrollment- sessions run September through December & January through June. 


Company/Team Students:

Tuition is due at the 1st of each month. Company & Team are committed to a full season with monthly payments September through June. These are audition only. Please inquire for more info.


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